I am putting together a poetry collection, called 'Just Doodling.' This is a selection of poems written by me over the last few years. It's good fun to do, and here is one of the poems that will be in the booklet.
Opening a flower shop on the estate,
What a mistake, was the general debate.
An old lady shuffled into sight, as I closed the door one night,
With a friendly smile and twinkling eyes.
“You’ll do well here.”
She told me that she cleaned at the Swan.
Two weeks later we had our first funeral order,
Relatives of Marion, who cleaned at the Swan.
I clearly remember her charming face,
The old cleaning lady who passed that day,
A spirit of goodwill who came to say,
“Keep cheerful, happy and bright,
Business isn’t built overnight.
Her family worried about paying the bill,
On clearing her bungalow they found,
In Marion’s wardrobe a purse safe and sound,
Containing no less, a hundred pound.
That jolly old lady who was fond of a whiskey,
And enjoyed to smoke,
Had saved up, and had the last joke.
The relief on their faces was plain to see,
First they cried, and then laughed at her frugality.
“You’ll do well here.” She’d said.
Thanks Marion,
We are doing well, and as you can tell.
Those who doubted we would,
Are stuck in the mud.
Unlike you,
Who knew,
Life is for living.