
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I'm in the top 75.

Well fancy that again.  From the last post, I've made it to the top 75 blogs of resources for writers.  That's quite exciting, though there are lots of great blogs in there.  If you think my blog's worth it, could you click on that badge in the sidebar please? 

I heard from 'Take a Break Fate & Fortune' today.  They'd had an article since last January (2011).  I sent the article on the 11.1.11.  (how spooky is that?) When I made enquiries, they hadn't a clue about the story.  This worried me slightly as I'd put personal photo's in with it, one that's irreplaceable.  This morning, I had a really polite and lovely letter saying that being as I had been precise and told them exactly when I'd sent it in, they were able to find it.  They must have liked it not to have sent it straight back.  Shows how important it is to keep records of what's gone where. 

My plan now is to write the story into a fictional one, then send it to Take a Break. 
My main writing blog is here.

Good luck to all other nominees...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Fancy that!

Isn't this little badge cute. 

For students who are beginning a writing course of any kind, I would say write from the heart, and have an EMOTION as the key element of your writing.  Any work I've had published, from a short letter, to a two page spread in a Summer Special have all got one thing in common.  An emotion is involved.  Whether it's love, (always the best one) or embarrassment, (one editor's like a lot) or maybe jealousy where revenge is the driving emotion.  Keep in mind that without emotion, and great characters, there is no story.  For a good study of characters, I would recommend 'Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas.

My main blog is here....